Hypothesis & Origins
In this section we will explore the various Hypothesis of UAP.
Please note:
We feel strongly that even despite the fact just a small percentage of UAP can only be catagorized as truly anomalous by science today, the enigmatic, illusive and extraordinary nature of genuine UAP sightings and encounters, that even to this day science has yet to explain or rule out definitely as mundane phenomenon may now urge for a far more "out of the box", or at least a out of the"currently known science" approach. UAP clearly calls for a range of possible hypothesis and theory's that may help to better explain the nature and origins of UAP as opposed to the confines of today's rigid and non-flexible scientific consensus that seems to have nearly exhausted all of its prosaic explanations for unraveling the UFO enigma.
However, by no means do we claim any of these following hypothesis offer definitive explanations, or represent the scientificly accepted consensus for UAP phenomena as we know them today.
But many if not all of the hypothesis described here are based, to various degrees upon real science or near term scientific discovery and/or theory , some of which may currently only be valid, and still exists only in scientific theory, scientific papers and ongoing scientific research.

UFOs may Themselves be Living Entities.
Based on hypothesis proposed by ufologist and scientist with Ph.D in nuclear physics Franklin Ruehl. According to Ruehl there is a possibility that at least some UAPs could be explained as living organisms themselves in bioforms named "Zeroids" that may be biomechanical in nature and perhaps representing one of the earliest lifeforms to arrive in the cosmos. Evolving from and feeding on prebiotic material compounds found in and around nebulae and titanic gas clouds and originating from the cosmic backdrop and could easily have trod many different evolutionary paths over the course millions of years. Zeroids may inhabit the cosmic void of space itself addapted to survice its seemingly unlivable conditions, and may have evolved the ability to migrate within different dimensions or even the multiverse.
"Zeroids may have migrated to all sectors of space, or even across dimensions…endowed with both mobility and intelligence, it is conceivable that some may have actually penetrated our zone of existence and been seen as UFOs"
some may have evolved a protective shield -- either physical or electromagnetic in nature -- that has enabled them to survive entry into our domain. These would be the living UFOs"
- Dr. Franklin Ruehl.

Zoo Hypothesis
The zoo hypothesis speculates on the assumed behavior and existence of technologically advanced extraterrestrial life and the reasons they refrain from contacting earth and mankind in general. It is one of many theoretical explanations for the Fermi paradoxi . The hypothesis states that alien life intentionally avoids communication with Earth to allow for natural evolution and socioculteral development, and avoiding interplanetary contamination, similarly to people observing animals at a zoo. The hypothesis seeks to explain the apparent absence of extraterrestrial life despite its generally accepted plausibility and hence the reasonable expectation of its existence. A variant on the zoo hypothesis suggested by the former MIT Haystack Observatory scientist John Allen Ball is the "laboratory" hypothesis, where humanity is being subjected to experiments, with Earth being a giant laboratory. Aliens might, for example, choose to allow contact once the human species has passed certain technological, political, or ethical standards. They might withhold contact until humans force contact upon them, possibly by sending a spacecraft to planets they inhabit. Alternatively, a reluctance to initiate contact could reflect a sensible desire to minimize risk. An alien society with advanced remote-sensing technologies may conclude that direct contact with neighbors confers added risks to oneself without an added benefit. In the related laboratory hypothesis, the zoo hypothesis is extended such that the 'zoo keepers' are subjecting humanity to experiments, a hypothesis which Ball describes as "morbid" and "grotesque", overlooking the possibility that such experiments may be alturistic, i.e., designed to accelerate the pace of cilvilisation to overcome a tendency to overcoming of intelligent life destroying itself, until a species is sufficiently developed to establish contact, as in the zoo hypothesis.

The "control system"
(By Jacques Vallee)
The "control system" theory posited by Jacques Vallee is a hypothesis that UFOs may not be extraterrestrial in origin, but rather a form of advanced technology created by an unknown intelligence, unknown phenomena or unknown spontaneously occurring of events in spacetime that seem intelligently controlled by logic based events that have yet be to be scientifically discovered.
These could be inherent to the universe as natural phenomena to help "control" the Universe at large.
Published in 1975, “The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race” was Jacques Vallee’s fourth work on the puzzling UFO/contactee phenomena. That time, he first put forward his idea that these phenomena were some kind of ‘control system’ on human consciousness.
According to Dr. Vallée, the basic idea is that UFOs are essentially a “show” put on for people to generate some sort of reaction, and have been operating on human culture for all of recorded history, for the sake of drawing human evolution into a certain direction, to avoid makind to self destruct itself, or to simply represent the unexplainable
Similar elements and aspects of this "control system' where described in The 6 Layers of Unidentified Phenomana.

The "Global Defence network"
(by Patrick Jackson)
After hearing details of how metallic orb UFOs have been “spotted all over the world” in NASAs UFO hearing on May 31st 2023, Patrick Jackson, a I.T Reverse Engineering Specialist, researcher of poltergeist activity and author of ‘Quantum Paranormal: A 21st Century Analysis of the Paranormal Phenomena‘ proposed a fairly"new to the neighborhood" hypothesis that has attracted the attention of top scientists worldwide suggests that UFOs may represent a sort of "global defence network" that is ultraterrestrial in origins and possibly inherent to Earth itself and bears some resemblance to Jacques Vallee's "control system". It fuses elements of poltergeist activity and UFO phenomena and proposes that UFOs act as a global defence network with the intent to protect humankind, all other life and Earth itself from a wide range possible existential threats such as nuclear annihilation by mankind itself, and works not unlike the human body's immune system that takes out viruses. Partially based on own experiences with poltergeist activity at 30 East Drive which is home to the most ‘aggressive poltergeist’ in the UK where Jackson claimed to have observed silver spheres flying around the house, like tennis ball sized drones, that were intelligently controlled. He believes poltergeist activity is not caused by the spirits of dead people, but in fact, caused by radiation emitted from these spheres designed to move people away from emissions by causing poltergeist like effects. The behaviour patterns observed in these orb seem to be machine like, and possibly this global defense network seems to be thousands of years old. The obvious question of who or what exactly is operating these spheres and where they originate from remains unclear however.
“The type three spheres are in buildings and operate 5-10 miles apart, in lines and clusters around environmental topology.
“It acts like a microwave based relay system, they send a signal to the type two which the US Navy are seeing.
Those operate 300 feet off the ground, where needed.
“There is the type one in the sky which triangulate on other incoming UFOs.
"They seem to make a V formation and yes, I suspect that, they are protecting humans and I suspect, have been doing so for thousands of years.”