Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Global Research & Investigation Group

From conspiracy to reality
On April 27th 2020 The Pentagon released official statements that acknowledged and authenticated the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), otherwise known as UFOs. A topic that was previously believed to exist only in the realms of our own imagination, Science fiction movies or even the mentally unstable. It is as if the UFO phenomena had suddenly leaped straight from Science fiction into absolute existence.
The US Government acknowled that UFOs exist

Congress Demands Answers
On June 25th, 2021. The U.S Department of Defense delivered to Congress an unclassified report on 144 cases of UAP encounters.
Only one of them could be explained away. The 143 cases left remain without answers.
For the first time in History, after 70 years of taboo, UFOs are being taken seriously.
They are now considered as a national security threat to the United States.
A Paradigm Shift?
"And then a month ago, there was a report delivered to Congress saying: there are things in the sky above the U.S. whose nature is not identified. And you would think that's a serious matter, because the intelligence agencies are admitting that they are not doing their job. Their job is to protect us from adversaries, to identify anything that flies in our sky. And here they come to Congress and say, 'There are some objects that we believe are real, but we don't understand their nature. They do not behave in ways consistent with the technologies that humans develop.' "
- Avi Loeb
Harvard Astrophysicist
First Congressional UFO Hearings in 50 Years.
On 17 May 2022 the first UFO hearings in 50 years was held last public UFO hearing in 1969). Allthough not offering much new on the subject of UAPs and its nature & origins , the hearings were certainly historic in the sense that in confirmed that many of us allready knew, that UAP are certainly very real. Also the strong intent to break the UFO stigma in order to allow more effective reporting on UAP on a military level was emphasized. It did reveal declassified footage of a metallic spherical shaped object for which US Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray stated on the record that he did not have a logical explanation for the object shown in the footage.Also striking is that The Dept. of Defense has collected data from military UFO encounters and composed a database that had grown from 144 to 400 cases & reports of 11 near mid air collision with UFOs were reported....

2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
On January 12 2023 the U.S Department of Defense releases its second report on UFOs which is preceded by the "Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" released 25 June 2021. Most remarkable in this report were a massive increase in UFO encounters with the U.S militairy of 510 cases as opposed to a 144 cases reported by the previous report. And a large number included in the 510 encounters "appear to perform maneuvers that are highly advanced”
Second Congressional UFO Hearings in 50 Years.

On April 19th 2023 a second UFO hearing was held by the U.S Senate Commitee On Armed Services led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick of DOD's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office spoke of the challenges of prioritizing and identifying unidentified aerial phenomena, an accounting of the cases the new office is analyzing, and new declassified UFO footage was presented. Dr. Kirkpatrick said his office is currently tracking 650 cases.
May 31, 2023.
NASA held its first public UFO hearing,
NASA's much-anticipated public hearing on UFOs took place Wednesday may 31 2023 , amid harassment concerns faced by the agency's 16-person team studying "events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or as known natural phenomena."
The team, assembled about seven months ago, includes experts in astrophysics and other disciplines. Among its stars is Scott Kelly, a former astronaut and test pilot who commanded three International Space Station expeditions.
Technically the group is studying unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs. NASA says UAPs are of interest for national security as well as air safety. And without access to an extensive set of data, it is nearly impossible to verify or explain any observation.