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UAP Technology

Apart from possible otherwordly or extraterrestrial origins one of the more interesting aspects of the UAP mystery is the technical nature of these craft. Highly trained fighter pilots. commercial airline pilots, eye witness accounts and reports, including both UAP reports by the Dept. of Defense describe highly advanced unknown capabilty that often appears to defy the (known) laws of physics. UAP more often then not come in shapes and forms that seems not need to abey the laws of aerodynamics (aka Bluff body objects) they have no wings, no visible propulsion, exhaust or rotor wash or anything at all indicating any form of thrust or combustion. And to add to the confusion UAP have the bizarre and unique property of being completly silent not producing any sound at all,  Which simply defies all known logic for craft with such amazing abilities. Yet UAP display extraordinary characteristics such as sudden instant acceleration,  unpredictable erratic maneuvers (Descibed by Naval Aviators as resembling a ping pong ball), anti gravitational and Transmedium ability (Move within space, air & water within the same vehicle), extremly high beyond hypersonic velocities and speed, and can do so without breaking the sound barrier despite radar confirmation of physical objects in space and time. Also there seems to be the ability to disappear and sometimes simultaneously reappear into thin air, presumably as a evasive manoeuvre when UAP feel threatened by for example intercepting fighter planes. It is still unknown if this ability is due to some sort of cloaking, if UAP physically move in and out the three-dimensional aspect into higher spacial dimensional planes temporarily or that UAP achieve such high speeds to the point the human eye can simply no longer register any movement.  Needles to say that if there never would be resolution for the mystery of UAP origins, obtaining the technology alone seen in UAP would likely cause a paradigm shift to the point that may warrant us to completely re-write the books on physics.


How do these craft operate? How can they even achieve motion, let alone such high accelerations and velocities without any visible means of propulsion, wings or controll surfaces.  How is anti gravity, a trait long sought after by scientists and engineers achieved? The most likely theory is the Field Renounce Propulsion Concept, a scientific paper proposed by NASA to explain and explore the possible technology and propulsion behind UAP. Although a speculative propulsion concept, the concept is allowed within the possibilities of modern physics and may be viewed by clicking on the link below.... 


Trans-medium Ability

UAP are discoverd to have Transmedium ability. Where our technology restricts us to the use of different craft such as an airplane for aerospace, ships and submarines for sailing on and in the ocean, and Spaceships or rockets to traverse space. However a transmedium object or craft can traverse all 3 mediums of space, aerospace and water within the same craft. How this is achieved is still unknown, but craft that are truly transmedium, a technology long sought after by science and engineers not need different craft or vehicles for different mediums. On top of that UAP operate seamlessly within these mediums and are reported to achieve enormous speeds even underwater as if they are not effected for by drag and density associated with underwater environment.  For this unique multi domain ability and reports & encounters that suggests a strong link between UAPs, water and the ocean, the Department of Defense and AARO rebranded the term UAP into the new term of Unidentified Aerospace-undersea phenomena to reflect UAPs transmedium ability..


Anti Gravitational Ability

UFOs, especially in pop-culture are undeniably associated with anti gravitational ability. Fact is that the vast majority of even the most credible Ufo reports and detailed Ufo encounter reports actually do describe craft of unknown origins that seem to defy the (known) laws of physics and logical explanation that seems to resemble forms or manifestations of anti gravitational ability. When one really studies these reports and encounters into more detail one cannot help to be puzzeled by the consistency of well documented encounters, that among other significant curiosities clearly describe the lack of any visible means of propulsion, wings, rotor propulsion or rotor wash, control surfaces like rudders or ailerons that are absolutely critical for the aerodynamics of controlled forward flight, or any rotary dynamics or jet thrust vectors nessecairy to maintain a hover in mid air. To add to the confustion practically all credible encounter reports describe a consistent absence of any perceivable sound, which is otherwise naturally associated with high energy output/thrust vehicles like aircraft or helicopters etc etc that are dictated by the laws physics to require sufficiant energy combustion and/or propulsion to allow practical displacement from A to B in time and space. On top of that the wide variety of the oddly shaped forms such as spheres, disks, tic-tac, pyramid/traingular and sigar shaped objects Ufo,s come in are notoriously non-aerodynamical (also known as bluff body objects/bluff body aerodynamics)

So inevitably the question is how do these craft defy and/or manipulate gravity?

A possible solution may be found in concepts that practically exist only on paper, theoretically:


* The Field Resonance Propulsion Concept

This was a privately funded speculative propulsion concept first descibed in a paper presented at the 5th Joint AIAA/SAE/ASME Propulsion Conference named "Propulsion Concepts for Galactic Spacecraft" which has since been adopted to explain the anti-gravitational and ability and propulsion of Ufo,s. 

Also known as "Field Propulsion" the concept theorizes spacecraft/vehicle propulsion where no propelant is needed to create momentum to propel a craft, instead external forces such as gravitational or electromagnetic fields are manipulated to create acceleration. When we look at the earths geo magnetic fields we know it acts as a shield by physically shielding us by bending solar winds and radiation and particles away and around the earth with a its geomagnetic field. It is believed that Field Propulsion creates artificial electromagnetic fields many times more powerfull then earths geomagnetic fields, but simulair in its abilty to manipulate physical matter by contraction and expansion much like the Warp Bubble/ Alcubierre drive concept, theoretically such a exotic propulsion concept would allow for enormous accelerations and speeds which are often associated with UFO,s.

For more technical details on this concept please click on the link below.

The Field Resonance Propulsion Concept paper by NASA
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