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Our mission

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


Determining UAP Nature & Origins

One of the greatest challanges UAP research faces today is determining nature and origins. Serious effort to rule out "otherworldy" or extraterrestrial explanations for UFOs by The Pentagon failed to deliver when only 1 out of 144 militairy encounters with UFOs could be explained. This set the stage for high ranking officials such as NASA Director Bill Nelson and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to openly discuss the possibilty that UFOs may represent evidence of extraterrestrial or a non-human intelligence.

Providing No-Nonsense Information

The UFO Phenomenon is the biggest mystery of our time. A mystery that may, or may not be turn out to be extraterrestrial, interdimensional, ultraterrestrial or even evidence of something more exotic in nature. But despite our teams experience & expertise in the field of  UAP we make no illusions that we are qualified to have the last say on what UAP represent or where they come from. We provide no-nonsense up to date information on the latest developments on the phenomenon of UFOs. We are after all just "the messenger"

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We offer easy to Grasp Information, Education &  And Public Awareness.

For the past 70 years, the phenomenon was considered "not worthy" of scientific investigation. Therefore, there is zero easily accessible educational information on Uap available to the general public that allows people to draw there own conclusions on the Ufo phenomena. Credible, factual data and information on UAP is kept highly classified and closely guarded by compartmentalization by goverments and military or intelligence entities. The bulk of non or unclassified publicly available information  necessary to gain understanding on Uap and raise global public awareness can only be obtained by researching, studying and hunting information on the Ufo topic, genuine and credible information that is more often then not warped and distorted by realm of Ufo scams, frauds, misinformation, fake news, fake footage, and mistaken identity.


The sudden shift of a phenomenon that was previously believed to exist merely in the realms of science fiction and human imagination is in its own right an extraodinary event. Even more so is the feasibility Uap may very well represent evidence of activity of non-human intelligence, that may turn out to have an extraterrestrial, or far more exotic origins, and there is credible information, documented encounters and first hand accounts that does suggest that indeed UAP may represent a non-human intelligent origins. 

The implications of such a potential near-term scientific discovery would be profound, and would likely coincide with a revolutional and/or technological paradigm shift that would change the face of humanity for eternity and transform the world & universe we live as we know it so drastically, that it not only warrants much more serious deeper and research that needs to be dealt with more seriously, but must also find its way to the mainstream in more easy to understand information and education to help raise the general public awareness to a factual understanding of the UAP enigma, and the possible implications it could have on humanity, and our place in the Universe in general.. 

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Free Flow of Crucial Uap Data and Information 

UAPGRIG strongly advocates free and unrestricted flow (currently through The Freedom of Information Act for example) of unclassified information on the UFO enigma. Given the potential of a possible near term scientific discovery we feel strongly that such information must belong to the public domain, or at best made accessible to some of the scientific community that is beginning to take Uap more seriously, at least to still limited, but promising levels and despite of rejection and stigma so commonly associated with efforts od the scientific study of Uap. Needles to say critical unclassified information is required to really pave the way for much more and much larger scientific study into the UAP. 


UAPGRIG feels that the implications that Uap may potentially turn out to represent evidence of non-human intelligence, life beyond planet earth, extraterrestrials, completly new terrestial forms of life or something profoundly more exotic does not belong within the realm of any military or any governmental entity set to withhold such potentially profound information and data, that naturally should be freely accesable to the public domain and humanity in general.


And despite civilian organisations studying Uap such as MUFON for quite some time now such  , and despite the ever increasing information available in the public domain, the best and most credible and accurate information and data on UAP is in possession by the U.s goverment, military and intelligence community that have the best tools and position for collecting compelling scientific data on Uap that, if made available to the scientific community could potentially provide a scientific breakthrough determining the origins & nature of Uap.

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